jessie's an insider
For this week's post, Mrs. Joyner said to relate to a character from the Outsiders. When she told us that this was the assignment, I was stumped. I'm a pretty lucky kid. I have a lot more than the Greasers did, and I don't feel like an outsider at school or anything. But, nevertheless, I think I found my topic. The whole time I was reading The Outsiders, I found little things about Sodapop that I just really connected to. Ponyboy describes him as "drunk on just plain living" in the very beginning of the book. That's kind of how I aspire to live. Just living in the moment, and loving every second of every day. Just living for the feeling of it, and living for the moments where all that matters is now, and smiling, and just being drunk on life. I don't know if that makes sense. I think of it as the moment in the movies where the main character is in a car on the highway at sunset and they turn up the music loud and stick their head out of the sunroof. Ya k...