this is an intro

Alrighty, this is an intro. I'm jessie, and I'm 13. I live in a small town that you've never heard of, and I go to a small school that you've never heard of. I have a little sister, and a big step-sister. My moms (yes, there are two, it's 2017, get with it lol) would say I'm a lil irresponsible, but I like to call it Winging It. I'm a firm believer in Living In The Moment, so I guess you could say things don't always go as planned??? Idk I think I just think differently than I'm supposed to as a 13 year old, I guess. Ok no, that sounds like the start of a teen romance novel, nope nevermind um deleteeee. okie dokie.
Um, background, I think? My favorite color is all of them, because I think they look prettier together. I play volleyball, going on three years now, but I'm still deciding if I'm counting the first year, because I literally (as opposed to figuratively) CouLDn'T PLaY sooooo. I'm a nice young Jewish millennial, so I go to Hebrew school and politely listen to the rabbi's sermons but sometimes not really (sorry moms), and I go to Jew camp, aka the littest place on earth. I don't really have a favorite food, because that would be like picking a favorite child, but I will say junk food is a food group, and it's my favorite one.
I also have wonderful friends, all two of them (haha jk there's only one). But on the real, my friends and I have been through a lot together, and we've known each other since forever - perks of going to a small school - so we've got each others' backs. Also, unbiased opinion, we're friendship goals - we laugh too hard at things that aren't even funny, we're suuuper extra when it comes to birthdays, and we feed each other, so basically everything you need in a friend (I'm not wrong). I think my friends are my most important part of me, because they really (fasten your seat belts, its about to get cheezy) make me who I am. You can kinda see little parts of us in each other, if that makes sense.
Alrighty, this has been an intro, and until next time, stay lovely, lovelies.


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