choose Love
“We must live, and when this is all over, we must work to make the world a better place. And if we die, we will die knowing that it was not our fault, that we did our best, and we can go to our deaths in dignity… I want you both to live…And to remember...You must choose love. Always choose love.”
(from Daniel’s Story by Carol Matas, page 70)
Choose love. In a world that some might say is fueled by hate, it is easy to toss that phrase aside and focus on what is becoming more and more prominent in all of our lives - intolerance and hatred. Orlando and the other acts of hatred directed towards the LGBTQ+ community can make it easy to forget about love, and that it always wins.
For almost everyone, the word "gay" is something we've heard thrown around as an insult on the daily. But why? Why is it fun for us to nonchalantly hate on someone for loving? Why can't we accept that love is love, and that just because someone else's definition of love doesn't fit yours, doesn't mean that they don't deserve that same respect as you do. And they definitely don't deserve to feel ashamed to be themselves. They deserve the same opportunities for love as you do. They deserve to love and to be loved.

I do think that the oppressed are at an advantage in one way. Their ability to always choose love is admirable, and what is remarkable is their strength even in the darkest of times. Even as monsters like Omar Mateen try to knock people down, everyone stands strong, heads held high, hope in their eyes, choosing to rise instead of cowering in fear. Choosing to love instead of hate. And that is beautiful.
I know this is a short one, but I don't want to be too repetitive, and I think I got my point across, right? Anyways, until next week, choose love, and remember to stay lovely, my lovelies.
(from Daniel’s Story by Carol Matas, page 70)
Choose love. In a world that some might say is fueled by hate, it is easy to toss that phrase aside and focus on what is becoming more and more prominent in all of our lives - intolerance and hatred. Orlando and the other acts of hatred directed towards the LGBTQ+ community can make it easy to forget about love, and that it always wins.
For almost everyone, the word "gay" is something we've heard thrown around as an insult on the daily. But why? Why is it fun for us to nonchalantly hate on someone for loving? Why can't we accept that love is love, and that just because someone else's definition of love doesn't fit yours, doesn't mean that they don't deserve that same respect as you do. And they definitely don't deserve to feel ashamed to be themselves. They deserve the same opportunities for love as you do. They deserve to love and to be loved.

I do think that the oppressed are at an advantage in one way. Their ability to always choose love is admirable, and what is remarkable is their strength even in the darkest of times. Even as monsters like Omar Mateen try to knock people down, everyone stands strong, heads held high, hope in their eyes, choosing to rise instead of cowering in fear. Choosing to love instead of hate. And that is beautiful.
I know this is a short one, but I don't want to be too repetitive, and I think I got my point across, right? Anyways, until next week, choose love, and remember to stay lovely, my lovelies.
This was so sweet. And I love that you didn’t cover up the fact that being able to choose love isn’t always the easiest, life can cloud things up for us. I really enjoyed this blog post and your message, it aspires me to show love in a healthier way.