jessie's a child

I'm obviously a child. Like I'm not an adult, (pfft, obviously) but I mean that I literally (as opposed to figuratively) still think my stuffed animals have feelings. I'm so emotionally attached to them, and I can't give any of them away. Ever. 

My first, and most important, doll was my Bitty Baby. You know, the creepy, bald baby doll that American Girl sells. Her name is Bitty, because I was quite the original two year old. My moms gave her to me when my baby sister was on the way, as practice for having a sister, kind of. Now, obviously, my Bitty baby was* my pride and joy, and I was the coolest toddler on the block because of her, but I think Bitty was a lot more than that for me. She was my first imaginary friend. Now, of course, she wasn't imaginary in the sense that she wasn't there; she was definitely there. She was imaginary because I used my imagination to make her come alive, and be my first friend. 

Bitty was a milestone for me. I think she really brought out my imagination, especially considering most of her was my imagination. She might even be the reason why I have such a big imagination, because her existence alone brought out so much creativity inside my tiny little toddler body. We would see everything together, go everywhere together, and do everything together. She never left my side. And honestly, (yike I'm about to sound like a dum-dum) she probably listened to everything I ever told her. Unless she got bored of me talking, which you probably have too, by now. So I think I'll end it here. Have a great day, which turns into a great week, which turns into a great year, which turns into a great life. And don't forget to stay lovely, lovelies. (just realized that I'm saying that to no one, but we'll pretend I'm not)

*she still is, except now I'm the coolest teen on the block


  1. Jessie! The more I read your posts, the more I want to read. I'm really enjoying hearing your writing voice.

  2. Jessie, I love they way you write and how you express your feelings it is amazing!


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