jessie’s resolutions

Happy new year, lovelies! I hope you all had a wonderful holiday with your family and friends. In spirit of the beginning of 2018, I thought I’d share some of my New Years resolutions for this week’s post. Cliché, I know, but maybe you guys can think of some resolutions for your own list while reading mine. So, without further ado, here you go:

Love myself and be confident - I’m pretty cool.

Work hard for what I want.

Be responsible and reliable - make sure to plan things in advance, so flaking out at the last minute won’t happen.

Stay organized - it’s easier to procrastinate when I’m not.

Be kind to my body - be mindful of what I eat, how much sleep I get, how much water I drink, and how much I exercise.

Have good character - do kind things when no one is watching.

Give to charity - giving back is important, especially when I’m as lucky as I am. Bonus points for donating time instead of money, because I believe that giving time is much more valuable than money.

Confront people if I have a problem with them - conflicts can’t be resolved unless I’m straightforward. Gossiping doesn’t do anyone any good.

Be honest if I’m unhappy - don’t put on an act just so that someone else won’t get hurt, because it’ll just make it worse.

Be proactive - don’t get distracted by the instant gratification monkey, because he loves to procrastinate. (@1st period honors English)

Ok, that’s everything, I think. I hope that I gave you all some inspiration, and that you have an incredible year. Happy 2018, and stay lovely, lovelies.
