jessie's a movie critique now

 The Fundamentals of Caring 

The Netflix original movie, The Fundamentals of Caring, is a weeper. Grab your tissues, because if you're planning on watching Selena Gomez, Paul Rudd, and Craig Roberts' impeccable, laugh-until-you-cry-and-then-cry-some-more-but-this-time-it's-not-funny performances, you're going to need a whole box.
Trevor, a teenage boy diagnosed with Muscular Dystrophy, just came to America from his homeland of England, and when almost-divorced Ben steps in as his new caretaker, Trevor finds that he can't seem to scare Ben off. They immediately form a bond, and their relationship makes us all smile. And laugh a whole lot, too.
When a fight between the two turns into a road trip to see what Trevor calls "America's Lamest Roadside Attractions", their bond becomes stronger, and when Dot, a lone teenage girl trying to get away from home, joins them on their trip, it's safe to say they're the modern day 3 Musketeers. If one of the Musketeers had muscular dystrophy, that is.
As Dot and Trevor grow closer on the road, Ben tries to stop thinking about his problems happening back home. With his son, and his soon-to-be ex-wife, even giant cows and two-story outhouses can't keep his mind off of the growing dilemmas at home. Trevor also starts to realize that he needs to resolve his problems with his dad, and Dot finally faces her father.
With lots of tears, and lots and lots of laughs, The Fundamentals of Caring is the perfect movie to fall in love with, and you'll fall in love with the characters as much as the movie itself. The heartwarming and humorous Netflix original is the perfect movie to watch over and over again, with it getting better every time. It's a yes for me, ladies and gents. Au revoir, and stay lovely, lovelies.


  1. I remember watching this Netflix Original film! It was really such a good movie because it took 3 extremely different types of people with very different life styles and experiences and had them create a bond that can change lives. I’m so happy you blogged about this!

    1. I'm so glad that you've watched this movie! I recommend it to all of my friends, and it's good to know that there are others who hold it in such high regards as well :)


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