jessie's soundtrack of a lifetime
For this week's blog post, our assignment was to compile a playlist that essentially explains your life. Morals, milestones, memories, whatever we wanted. So, I picked some songs that represent me. Maybe the way they make me feel, maybe some misty eyes, we'll probably do a little walk down memory lane, too. Enjoy! Wake Me Up - Avicii I chose Wake Me up because it was my unit's theme song at camp. By theme song, I mean that whenever we were waiting for something to start, we listened to it. And when we were eating breakfast, we listened to it. And when we were walking somewhere, we listened to it. And guess what we did during dinner? Before bed? Brushing our teeth? We listened to this song. All the time, 24/7, everywhere. We even came up with a set of hand motions to go with it. It never got old. On our last Shabbat, at around midnight after dancing, all 95 of us sat squashed together like sardines on our platform/meeting place/I don't even know it was just our g...